I should be getting ready for
Squam. That's what I told myself I would do today. But instead, I cooked. All day. The tomatoes finally ripened and I figured I should really do something with them. So last night I made sauce. Today I made roasted tomatoes and salsa. Then I got out the dehydrator that Dan got me for Christmas (No- I really did ASK him for a dehydrator for Christmas) and I got to work drying a small part of the endless cherry tomato crop. And last weekend we picked apples and I don't want those going to waste either, so I also made apple sauce and this really delicious apple upside down cake (I will post the recipe later if anyone is interested).

I'm really looking forward to Squam... I think I'm just really nervous about going. It's kind of like what everyone else is saying in their blogs- it really does feel like the first day of kindergarten (except I think it will be a lot more fun). I don't know. I guess it won't be any fun at all if I don't start packing! Thank goodness one of you other bloggers mentioned a flashlight because I had completely forgotten to add that to my list! All right... I'm really going to start packing now.
I did remember to pack my flashlight...BUT, if you think of anything else, please let me know...my list keeps growing and growing...ughhh !!!
Oh it was so fun to go back and read your blog now that I KNOW you!!!! Hope you got home safe - I'm here with lots of puppy love!
Hi Tara,
I love your blog - and your kitties! I was so much fun to have you in the same cabin. I have some great photographs that I will post to my blog but I'll send one to you seperately that you can print out.
I'm so tired! More tomorrow! Please send me your email and heather's, too. I know someone had a list but I don't remember who it was.
Meow, meow~! Looking forward to seeing you again!!
PS Kitty pictures coming, too.
for me-- YOUR face shining with light and happiness is what I think of when I remember the vibe of Squam-- you are a rock star!
Bisous, Elizabeth
Waiting (not so) patiently for you to update!! I am having Squam withdrawal... almost took my flashlight downstairs with me for dinner... ;)
Miss you!
Hugs xx
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