There's another Flickr mosaic project floating around... Here are the new questions!
- Looking back on 2008, what might the theme have been?
- If 2008 was a movie, who would play you?
- What was your greatest gift of 2008?
- What is your New Year Resolution, or, what are you committing to this year?
- If January could be represented by one song, what would it be?
- What do you wish for your body in 2009?
- Name one new thing you would love to try in the New Year.
- What do you long for 2009 to bring?
- If that happened, how would you feel?
- Where would you love to vacation in 2009 if money were no object?
- What would you like the theme of 2009 to be?
- If 2009 was a book, and the title was 5 words or less, what might the title be?