We headed up to the Adirondacks again this past weekend for our annual camping trip with Dan's family. This is something I look forward to every year- I think this is my favorite piece of summer. We did some hiking, reading, swimming and took a few canoe rides.
When Dan and I were first married and we went camping, we ate things like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or hot dogs- you know, typical camp food. That got old fast. It was a part of camping that I really didn't like, but he kept telling me that was all you could bring with you when you went out in the woods. Then we started camping with his family. Imagine my surprise when his mom served fettuccine alfredo with asparagus for dinner. And then the shock of waking up to blueberry pancakes and hash browns. Granted, this woman could out-cook Martha Stewart, but I learned quickly how to improve the campfire menu. That was the end of PB&J on the camping trips, much to Dan's dismay. He claims to find this kind of camping ridiculous and would rather just pack some granola and be done with it. But I didn't hear him complaining over his steamed vegetable quesadilla, or the brown rice and beans with mango salsa.